There are various types of houses, but the mansion belongs to the class of residential buildings that attract a lot of attention. We used to think of it as a large and wealthy building that is located on a well-maintained part of the land and awakens a sense of respectability and prosperity. Well, let's find…
The facade of a house can tell about its residents even more than they want to tell about themselves. Its exterior reveals your vision of the world, some habits and preferences, and even individual character traits. This happens because we choose its look based on our taste and perception, which applies to every detail, including…
The attitude of the owners to hilly landscapes is different: some are sad that they got only such land, and others, on the contrary, rejoice at the non-standard lot on the slope. In any case, a site with the uneven ground can be made very attractive, but creating a suitable design is not easy and…
Many people dream of having their own house in a cottage village built from high-quality and environmentally friendly materials. But when choosing a land lot for the building of the place where people are going to live permanently, a territory with a slope is rarely chosen.
Many people think that a house on a slope…
Terrazzo is perhaps the most versatile material available in architecture (interior). This is a self-leveling floor consisting of various grains of natural stone, which will fit into almost any interior, thanks to its modern and, at the same time, archaic-conservative design.
What is Terrazzo?
Terrazzo flooring, also known as "Granito," is a two-millimeter-thick durable self-leveling…
If you ask a child to draw a house, the drawing will most likely look like a square with a triangle on top. As if from a fairy tale, this typical image is associated with something distant, forgotten, and warm.
Like this classic notion, people still have myths and misconceptions about this natural material and…
Many Americans (and not only) dream of buying real estate abroad. Italy deservedly leads in the list of the most popular countries for such acquisitions with its unique climate, nature, sea coasts, and mountain resorts.
Let's figure out how such transactions occur in accordance with Italian law.
Step 1. Selecting a Region
The seas wash…